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June 18, 2006


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Archived Results: 2003 20042005

2006 Meet Results

June 17, 2006 Maine Junior Olympic Qualifier Meet Augusta
June 3 & 10, 2006 Class A State Meet: Girls - Boys Thornton/Bowdoin
June 3 & 5, 2006 Class B State Meet: Girls - Boys MDI/Winslow
June 3 & 13, 2006 Class C State Meet: Girls - Boys Morse/Foxcroft
May 30, 2006 Central Maine Freshman Championship Meet Bowdoin College
May 30, 2006 PVC Freshman Championship Meet: Girls - Boys Hampden
May 27, 2006 KVAC Championship Meet: Class A - Class B Morse
May 27, 2006 WMC Championship Meet Yarmouth
May 27, 2006 SMAA Championship Meet: Girls - Boys Gorham
May 27, 2006 PVC Large School Championship Meet: Girls - Boys MDI
May 26, 2006 PVC Small School Championship Meet: Girls - Boys Bucksport
May 26, 2006 Mountain Valley Conference Championship Meet Cony
May 24, 2006 PVC JV Championship Meet: Girls - Boys Brewer
May 22, 2006 Lewiston, Edward Little: Girls - Boys Edward Little
May 22, 2006 Westbrook, Thornton Academy, Portland, Sanford: Girls Westbrook
May 22, 2006 Mt. Ararat "Under the Lights Special" Mt. Ararat
May 22, 2006 Bangor, Calvary Chapel, Nokomis, Old Town, PCHS: Girls - Boys Bangor
May 22, 2006 Hancock County Championship Meet: Girls - Boys Ellsworth
May 20, 2006 Brewer, Fort Kent, John Bapst, Stearns, Fort Fairfield, Limestone/MSSM, Presque Isle: Girls - Boys Presque Isle
May 20, 2006 Caribou, Dexter, Hampden, Mattanawcook, Orono: Girls - Boys Orono
May 20, 2006 "Community Cup": Waterville, Lawrence, Skowhegan, Messalonskee, Winslow Skowhegan
May 20, 2006 Bangor Christian, Central, Foxcroft, Greenville, Hermon, Narraguagus, Penquis, PCHS Foxcroft
May 18, 2006 Gorham, Scarborough, Windham, Westbrook Gorham
May 18, 2006 Massabesic, Bonny Eagle, Thornton Academy, Biddeford: Girls Massabesic
May 17, 2006 Lawrence, Mt. Blue, Erskine, Leavitt Lawrence
May 17, 2006 Aroostook County Championship Meet Caribou
May 17, 2006 Bonny Eagle, Biddeford, Massabesic, Thornton Academy: Boys Massabesic
May 15, 2006 Lewiston, Lisbon, Skowhegan, Oxford Hills, Lincoln Academy Lewiston
May 15, 2006 Bangor Christian, Calvary Chapel, Dexter, MDI, Nokomis MDI
May 13, 2006 Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Fort Kent, Ellsworth, Limestone/MSSM, Narraguagus, Penquis Caribou
May 12-13, 2006 Loucks Games (Greely, Cony, Mt. Ararat, Falmouth Individuals) White Plains, NY
May 12, 2006 Foxcroft, GSA, Mattanawcook, Orono, Presque Isle Foxcroft
May 12, 2006 Brewer, Central, Greenville, Old Town, Stearns: Girls - Boys Brewer
May 12, 2006 Bucksport, Hermon, John Bapst, Sumner: Girls - Boys Bucksport
May 11, 2006 Falmouth, Gray New Gloucester, North Yarmouth Academy Falmouth
May 11, 2006 Camden Hills, MCI, Medomak Valley, Isleboro, Maranacook, Kents Hill Camden Hills
May 11, 2006 Cape Elizabeth, Fryeburg Academy, Wells, Freeport, Greater Portland Christian Cape Elizabeth
May 11, 2006 Bonny Eagle, Gorham, Marshwood, Portland: Boys Gorham
May 11, 2006 Biddeford, Cheverus, Sanford, Scarborough: Boys Scarborough
May 11, 2006 Noble, South Portland, Thornton, Windham: Boys Thornton
May 9, 2006 Gorham, Massabesic, South Portland, Sanford: Girls Gorham
May 8, 2006 Deering, Marshwood, Scarborough, Thornton Academy: Boys Thornton Academy
May 6, 2006 Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Hermon, Limestone/MSSM, Mattanawcook, Old Town Caribou
May 6, 2006 NYA, Yarmouth, Greater Portland Christian, Seacoast Christian, Traip: Girls - Boys Yarmouth
May 6, 2006 Elan, Fort Kent, GSA, Greenville, Nokomis, Orono: Girls - Boys Orono
May 6, 2006 Bucksport, MDI, Presque Isle, Searsport, Stearns - Corrected 5/8 Presque Isle
May 5, 2006 Lawrence, Edward Little, MCI, Mt. View Lawrence
May 5, 2006 SMAA Girls Relays Kennebunk
May 5, 2006 SMAA Boys Kiwanis Relays - Individual Field Results Westbrook
May 5, 2006 Bangor Christian, Central, Ellsworth, Foxcroft: Girls - Boys Ellsworth
May 5, 2006 Cape Elizabeth, Lake Region, York Cape Elizabeth
May 5, 2006 Bangor, Brewer, Calvary Chapel, Penquis, PCHS: Girls - Boys Bangor
May 5, 2006 Dexter, Elan, Hampden, John Bapst, Sumner: Girls - Boys Hampden
May 5, 2006 Mt. Ararat, Mt. Blue, Lewiston, Rockland - Corrected 5/6 Mt. Ararat
May 4, 2006 Brunswick, Erskine, Medomak, Morse Brunswick
April 29, 2006 Caribou, Foxcroft, Fort Kent, Greenville, Nokomis, Stearns Foxcroft
April 29, 2006 David Whyte Waterville Relays Waterville
April 29, 2006 Bucksport, Narraguagus, Central, PCHS, Islesboro, Washington Academy, Shead: Girls - Boys Bucksport
April 29, 2006 Dexter, John Bapst, Penquis, Presque Isle, Orono, Fort Fairfield: Girls - Boys Orono
April 28, 2006 Cony, Mt. Ararat, Erskine, Rockland Cony
April 28, 2006 Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, Wayneflete, Greater Portland Christian - Corrected 4/29 Falmouth
April 28, 2006 GSA, MDI, Old Town, Sumner MDI
April 28, 2006 Bangor, Bangor Christian, Ellsworth, Hermon, Searsport: Girls - Boys Bangor
April 28, 2006 Brewer, Calvary Chapel, Hampden, Mattanawcook, Lee: Girls - Boys Brewer
April 27, 2006 Freeport, Old Orchard Beach, Traip Traip
April 26, 2006 Massabesic, Portland, Scarborough, Noble: Boys Noble
April 26, 2006 Thornton Academy, McAuley, Cheverus, Kennebunk, Gorham: Girls Thornton Academy
April 25, 2006 Lewiston, Waterville, Brunswick, Maranacook: Boys Lewiston
April 25, 2006 Cheverus, Gorham, Kennebunk, Thornton Academy: Boys Kennebunk
April 21, 2006 Central, Hampden, Nokomis, MDI, Orono, Searsport, Stearns: Results MDI
April 21, 2006 Bucksport, Dexter, Ellsworth, Fort Kent, Mattanawcook, Presque Isle: Girls - Boys Bucksport
April 20, 2006 Edward Little, Messalonskee, Mt. Ararat, Lawrence, MCI Edward Little
April 20, 2006 Brunswick, Cony, Lincoln Academy, Winslow: Individual Results - Team Scores Brunswick
April 20, 2006 Bangor, Calvary Chapel, Greenville, Hermon, Foxcroft, Narraguagus, Sumner, Old Town, Washington Acad.: Girls - Boys Orono
April 20, 2006 Brewer, Caribou, John Bapst, GSA, Penquis, Bangor Christian, PCHS: Girls - Boys Brewer
April 19, 2006 Thornton Academy Alumni Coaches Invitational: Boys - Girls Thornton Academy
April 18, 2006 Falmouth April Vacation Meet Falmouth
April 17, 2006 Westbrook Rotary 2 Mile Westbrook
April 15, 2006 Brewer High Alumni Meet Brewer
April 1, 2006 UMaine vs UNH: Women - Men UMaine