Bangor YMCA presents the 5th annual “Tri for the Y” sprint triathlon and sprint duathlon.
Join us at Bangor YMCA’s Wilderness Center at Camp Jordan for this “Old School” sprint triathlon and sprint duathlon on Sunday August 28th.
Triathlon is 750meter swim in pristine Branch Lake, 20K bike on the hilly dirt roads around Branch Lake, and 5 K run through the woods.
Duathlon is 5K run through the woods on the tri-course, 20K bike on the tri-course, 2.5k run through the woods.
This is an “Old School” event! Before Tri-bikes existed triathlon was raced on road bikes or street bikes or hybrid bikes. So, leave your fancy Tri-bike at home! And bring your spring-trainer beater-road bike or your hybrid-bike or your cyclocross bike or your mountain bike! This is NOT for nice bikes. The bike portion is on some paved roads but mostly compressed dirt, so leave your skinny tires at home ! Come have fun at this throwback event !
Both events occur simultaneously. The main purpose is to raise money for youth-programs at Bangor YMCA to support children without the financial resources to attend summer camp and daycare at the Wilderness Center at Camp Jordan !
Location is
Wilderness Center at Camp Jordan
101 Camp Jordan Way
Ellsworth 04605
Contact email is
Directions from Bangor: head south on Rte 1-A, in Ellsworth turn right on Winkumpaugh Rd, then turn left on Hanson Landing Rd, then turn right on Camp Jordan Way, follow the dirt road to Camp Jordan.