Sub 5 Track Club…ANNUAL MEETING, March 16, 2019
This year’s annual meeting will feature: a run, pot luck lunch and gear swap, and annual meeting of the Club.
There are openings on the Board, as we are looking for some fresh, new ideas! Join us for this annual event to hear about what’s
happening in your running Club!
Location: CES, Inc, 465 South Main Street, Brewer
Agenda with APPROXIMATE schedule as follows:
9am – Sub 5 Club run
* we expect two or more options for routes/distances
11am – Potluck and new or nearly new gear swap
* potluck – bring a soup, appetizer, snack, dessert… something to share
* gear swap – bring NEW OR GENTLY USED clothing, gear, shoes to swap with another runner. One time entry fee to give or receive is $2, to benefit the Sub 5 scholarship fund.
11:30am – Board meeting – including club update, and Board elections… we have openings to serve on the Board!
12:30pm – Adjourn
Questions? Ideas? Email