About Sub 5 Track Club
The Sub 5 Track Club, founded in 1982 in the Bangor-Brewer area, is one of the largest and most active running clubs in the State of Maine. The club organizes weekly runs and track workouts, directs local road races, sponsors scholarships for area high school athletes, and maintains a website with a race calendar and results and coverage of youth cross country and track. New members are welcome!
Site Map
- Home
- Blog
- Youth Pages
- 2015 Race Results
- About
- Board and Officers
- Membership
- Group Runs
- Newsletter
- Sample new page
- Indoor Track Results 2015
- 2016 Race Results
- Indoor Track Results 2014
- 2017 Race Results
- 2014 Outdoor Results
- 2018 Race Results
- 2019 Race Results
- 2019 Summer Youth Track and Field
- Annual Awards
- 2021 Race Results
- 2022 Race Results
- 2022 Summer Youth Track and Field
- 2023 Race Results
- 2023 Summer Youth Track and Field
- 2024 Race Results
- 2024 Summer Youth Track and Field
- 2015 XC Results
- 2016 XC Results
- 2017 XC Results
- 2018 XC Results
- 2019 XC Results
- 2020 XC Results
- 2021 XC Results
- 2022 XC Results
- 2023 XC Results
- 2024 XC Results
- Indoor Track Live Results
- Indoor Track Results
- 2017 Indoor Track Results
- 2018 Indoor Results
- 2019 Indoor Results
- 2020 Indoor Results
- 2021 Indoor Results
- 2022 Indoor Results
- 2023 Indoor Results
- 2024 Indoor Results
- 2025 Indoor Results
- 2016 Results
- 2017 Outdoor Results
- 2018 Outdoor Results
- 2019 Outdoor Results
- 2021 Outdoor Results
- 2022 Outdoor Results
- 2023 Outdoor Results
- 2024 Outdoor Results
Maine Savings New Sponsor of Sub 5 Race Series
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon RandAbout Sub5 Track Club:
Sub5 Track Club is a vibrant community of passionate runners and fitness enthusiasts committed to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle in our local community. Our annual race series, consisting of 12 races, attracts participants from diverse backgrounds and provides an excellent platform for businesses to connect with a wide audience. Races take place in the Bangor-Brewer area, as well as Ellsworth and as far east as Cobscook Bay.
The Sub5 Track Club is based in the Bangor/Brewer area. Established in 1982, the club currently has a membership of about 150 individuals and families. The club sponsors local road races as well as the Sub5 Road Race Series, organizes group runs, and awards scholarships for local high school students. Our executive committee meets monthly throughout the year and our annual meeting is in March. The club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America.
2023 Sub 5 Annual Membership Meeting
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon RandPlease join us for the Sub5 Track Club group run and Annual Meeting Saturday, March 25 at the Haley Ward Offices at One Merchant Plaza in Bangor.
The group run will begin at 9:00 AM from West Market Square in Bangor. Run distance and pace will be determined depending upon participants. All are welcome.
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for 11:00 AM. Bring your favorite dish to share as the event will start with a potluck. Programming and agenda for the gathering are still being determined.
Per Sub5 Track Club bylaws an annual meeting is required. Additionally, prior advance notice for bylaw changes is also required. There are two bylaw changes to be approved:
1) A motion to update the bylaws to allow for the “annual meeting to take place between January and April.” Current bylaws stipulate March. This will provide more flexibility for the board and planning.
2) A motion to “expand the board membership up to 15 members.” Current board membership is limited to 11 members, including the executive board. Yes we’re looking for new board members to join us so that we may extend our offerings with more volunteers.
Thank you to members who have renewed their Sub5 memberships. Your support is appreciated. Congratulations to 2022 series award winners. It was great to see so many fellow runners at the Awards Reception in January.
An RSVP for the group run and/or meeting is not required but if you’d like more information, including learning more about board participation, you can email me at joseph.roberts9765@gmail.com.
President’s Message – March 2022
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon RandDear Running Friends,
Please join us Saturday, March 12 as we celebrate running with a number of activities on behalf of the Sub5 Track Club.
First, join us for a group run at 10:30 AM. Meet other runners near the Sea Dog Brewing in Bangor and we’ll split into different groups as necessary for a run around Bangor. All paces are welcome.
The Sub5 Track Club Race Series Awards Reception and Annual Meeting will take place March 12 at 1-4PM at the Sea Dog Brewing in Bangor.
The Awards reception is scheduled for 1:00-2:00 PM, with announcement of awards at 1:30. Light refreshments are available as well as a cash bar. There is no admission fee. Please RSVP by March 4 via this Google link. We understand that you may have previously RSVP’d but we know that schedules change and we’re planning based on our head count and space limitations.
Are you a Tradewinds Supermarkets Sub5 Race Series award winner? Overall leaders and eligible runners in the top 3 spots of each male or female age group will receive prizes at the reception. The final 2021 standings for can be found on the sub5.com website.
At 2:00 PM you’re invited to stay for our annual meeting. We’ll review the previous year, provide membership and treasurer reports and elect our executive board. If you are interested in learning more about what the board does, this is a great way to see how the group operates and become aware of how to get involved. We’re not only looking for board members but other volunteers to be involved in new ideas for the community as well as coordinating the Annual Walter Hunt 4th of July race. If you are interested please plan to attend or email me at joseph.roberts9765@gmail.com
Masks are encouraged for these events.
Thank you to Sub5 Track Club members who have already renewed their annual membership this year! If you’d like to become a member or renew you may do so via the Sub5 runsignup page or download and mail a form through sub5.com. Hope to see you on March 12!
Joe Roberts
Sub5 President
Message From the Sub 5 President
/0 Comments/in Club Info, President's Message /by Glendon RandDear Sub5 Club Members:
In the midst of the fall running season we that you are enjoying some of the best running weather of the year.
The Sub 5 Track Club would like to announce the Veterans Benefit Virtual 5k Nov. 4-18. Proceeds from the race benefit the Bangor Veterans’ Home. We’ve created a basic event for our first virtual race and kept it inexpensive (under $15) in hopes of lots of participation to support a good cause.
While we haven’t been able to gather for races, weekly group runs have continued this pokies online payid summer after a brief hiatus. Thank you to Dave Farrar who has promoted the gatherings via the Facebook page while also encouraging social distancing and other CDC guidelines during the runs. The runs will continue as CDC guidelines allow, meeting weekly in Bangor at 5:30 on the waterfront near the Seadog. Kudos also to Deedra Dapice for her “On-Your-Own” track workouts posted this summer on the Facebook page.
With nearly every Tradewinds Sub 5 Race Series canceled we will be unable to generate standings and awards this year. We hope to return to series races soon.
We will soon be setting up membership renewals this winter. Don’t forget your club discounts still work during the pandemic, and a discount on a pair of new shoes covers the cost of your membership!
For Sub5,
Joe Roberts
Ralph K. Thomas 8K Canceled
/0 Comments/in Road Races /by Glendon Rand12th Annual Ralph K. Thomas 8K Run / 2.5 Mile Walk
INDIAN ISLAND, ME – Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the 2020 Ralph K Thomas Race/Walk has been canceled. This was a very tough decision to arrive at, however it was made based on the health and safety of not only the Penobscot Nation community but also the participants of the event.
The RKT race committee appreciates the support that the race has experienced over the past decade or more and look forward to many more years of racing ahead.
Stay Healthy and Safe and together we will get through this.
Gilmore Awarded Sub 5 Scholarship
/0 Comments/in High School, Scholarships /by Glendon RandThe Sub 5 Track Club is pleased to announce that Lydia Gilmore, a 2020 graduate of Bangor High School, has been chosen as the recipient of the club’s annual college scholarship in the amount of $1500. Lydia was a standout distance runner for the Ram’s cross country and track programs and will take her talents to the University of Maine where she will run for the Black Bears. Gilmore’s senior cross country season was outstanding as she was the individual champion in the Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference and Northern Maine Regional championship meets. She went on to run a strong Class A State Meet where she finished a career best 5th and then competed in the New England Interscholastic Championship Meet at Manchester, CT where she finished 38th (5th Maine finisher).
Gilmore also had success on the oval during the indoor track season. This past winter, Lydia set personal best marks of 5:26.74 for the mile run and 11:32.24 for the 2 mile run. Her season ended in exciting fashion as her points in the 3200m relay and the individual 2 mile run helped the Ram girls win the Class A State Championship by 1 point over Gorham High School.
In her scholarship application, Lydia wrote the following: “Running is a simple sport: traversing a distance in the quickest possible time. What’s surprising is how complicated it becomes the better you try to do it. There’s no shortcut, no special trick, or easy way out of a race besides straight ahead and, resultantly, it trains more than just your muscles, but also your discipline, willpower, and patience. Thanks to my running coach, Roger Huber, I’ve come to realise just what a powerful teaching tool running is. Running has given me the most difficult physical and mental challenges of my life and, in return, it’s been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Throughout my high school runnng career, I have overcome mental and physical obstacles, developed impenetrable willpower and determination, and grown in depth as a person. Furthermore, being a part of the running community means sharing pride in this great sport. This passion and enthusiasm drives me to continue running.”
Gilmore will study mechanical engineering at the University of Maine. She is the daughter of Virginia and Michael Gilmore of Bangor.
The Sub 5 Track Club of Brewer/Bangor is one of the largest and most active running clubs in Maine. The club’s college scholarship aims to recognize the area’s most talented student-athletes and to encourage them to continue their competitive careers at the collegiate level and beyond.
Sub 5 Banquet – January 18, 2020
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon RandRenew Your Membership for 2020!
/0 Comments/in Club Info /by Glendon RandSub5 membership renewal for 2020 is now open online. Membership applications can still be downloaded from Sub5.com. Remember membership benefits include discounts to local businesses, track workouts, and free entry into the Walter Hunt 3K.
Sub 5 Track Workouts Begin May 29
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon RandSub 5 Summer Track Workouts will be held every Wednesday at 6 PM and will begin on May 29 at the Brewer Track behind the Brewer Community School. Sub 5 Track Club membership is required. Membership forms are available at Sub5.com, and if you so choose, you may register for membership online. Paper membership forms will also be available at the track Wednesday evening. Workouts will continue through the last week of August.
Welcome From The President
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Glendon Rand